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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is letterpress?
    Letterpress printing is a traditional printing technique that dates back to the 15th century. Earlier techniques involved utilizing metal or wooden type and blocks to create an impression on paper. At La Folie Press, we utilize custom made acrylic plates to make our impressions. The process begins with setting the plate onto the press bed of a chandler & price printing press and then using inks and pressure to transfer the design onto paper. This type of printing is highly tactile, as the impression of the inked type pressing into the paper creates a three-dimensional effect. Letterpress printing is known for its crisp lines and clear text, making it ideal for creating invitations, business cards, and other high-end printed materials. Its legacy and continued popularity today testify to the enduring beauty and quality of this elegant printing technique.
  • What makes your products special?
    The process of creating letterpress goods is both time-consuming and labor-intensive, which makes them a true labor of love. Each piece is carefully printed by hand using a vintage letterpress machine, which require expert craftsmanship to operate. The result is a beautifully crafted piece that has both character and depth, with a unique texture that cannot be achieved with digital printing methods. The ink is absorbed into the paper fibers, creating a soft, velvety finish that looks and feels elegant. Overall, letterpress goods embody a rich history and a sense of craftsmanship that is often overlooked in today's fast-paced, digital world. They offer a one-of-a-kind, tactile experience that cannot be replicated by any other means, making them truly special and cherished items.
  • Who makes your products?
    Caroline Wingard, owner & founder of La Folie Press, handmakes all products herself in her letterpress studio.
  • Do you take custom orders?
    If you have a custom order in mind, feel free to reach out and we'll see what we can do! Email us at
  • What does "la folie" mean?
    "La Folie" translates to "madness" in French. At La Folie Press, we aim to embrace the madness of life with our beautiful paper goods and gifts!
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